24 September 2011

Jakarta in a thousand words

I went to Jakarta for a few days to attend a conference on environmental issues.

I am not an environmentalist, but I do have issues.

The view from our apartment
The food... was okay
The shopping wasn't bad. It took awhile before I got used to seeing t-shirts priced in the thousands (1 Indonesian Rupiah = 8000 USD or 180 Php)
And the people?
I love every single one of them. (That's me in the purple skirt. I think we were doing some sort of cheer. Or preparing to get ice cream to get thrown at us.)

Jakarta, take me back?

23 September 2011

Life updates, in case I die

I feel so bad for not maintaining this blog, but it's not only recently that my annoying tendency to say yes to every single project that falls into my hands.

(I swear to god, if I could get this fixed by a doctor or a non-life threatening lobotomy, I would.)

I'm sincerely happy to have a day to myself, although technically isn't really one for relaxing because I have to spend it doing my academics and extra-curriculars, only at home. I also recently just got back from Jakarta, which was quite nice. It broke my sorry-ass heart to leave!

But amid all the consequences of my crappy choices, I have one bright spot to look forward to: Paris next month, hopefully! I submitted my requirements to the French Embassy in Manila yesterday--the woes of the developing world: visas--and I really hope that things'll go according to plan. Especially because we already paid for our tickets.

It's not gonna be a vacation, though parts of it will be. Two other students and I will be presenting a paper on the Arab Spring, which will hopefully be published by the Peter Lang Press. Hopefully, again. Hopefully.

All right. I sound like an obnoxious douchebag but there you go. I'm sincerely blessed to have been given all these chances, chances I never ever thought I'd be given. I just wish that I had more time to you know, do stuff.

Like get a boyfriend or something. Not that I care, because I'm asexual.